Our 26-bed resettlement home in Bristol is designed for women returning to the community after serving time in prison.
We provide a secure and structured environment, enabling the close monitoring and supervision of residents’ behaviour and compliance with any additional requirements, which may include bail or licence conditions.
The specialist monitoring and support at Eden House reduces the risk of reoffending and harm, promotes rehabilitation and wherever possible, helps residents return and reintegrate into their local community.
Women at Eden House engage in trauma-informed therapy and structured activities that can help them build their self-esteem, reconnect with their family, find work and a permanent home.
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With fewer than three in five women leaving prison with a home to go to and less than ten percent with a job, the centre provides women from the region referred to an approved premises with a bridge back into their own communities.
We work in close consultation with Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, as well as the police, to run our approved premises. The National Probation Service refer women to the centre.
Eden House opened in June 2021.